Are you ready for pitching tents, roasting marshmallows by the fire and singing camp songs? We sure are! As the weather warms up, it’s the perfect time to plan a camping trip with the whole family, including your pups. Why leave them at home when they love exploring as much as you do!

Here are some of Dog is Good’s best tips for camping with your furry family members this summer:

#1. Check to see if the campground is dog-friendly!

Some campgrounds do not allow dogs to camp with your family. Always check beforehand so there are no surprises when you show up. Most national and state parks will allow dogs on the trails and in the campgrounds, but they are typically restricted from public buildings.

#2. Always keep your dog on a leash!

It may seem like a no brainer, but keeping your dog on a leash is required in most campgrounds and it safer for both you and your pup. Some parks and trails require a specific leash length so be sure to double check that your gear is correct. This will also help others who may or may not be a fan of your pup feel comfortable at the campground.

#3. Pack the right gear for your dog!

Today, there are so many options for hiking and camping gear made just for dogs! We suggest investing in a good pair of dog booties to keep the paws of your pup clean and healthy. As the weather warms up, the ground gets hot and your dog is susceptible to paw burns. These will also help protect their paws from rocks, brush and any other hazards along the trail.

We also suggest outfitting your dog with trail harness instead of the standard collar. This allows for better control of your dog while on the trail and it is often more comfortable for them. Some brands even offer cooling inserts to keep your dog from overheating!

#4. Bring a first aid kit for your dog!

Again, this may seem like a no brainer, but people often forget pets can get hurt too. Make sure to bring extra iodine for cleaning wounds, tick remover and water bandages. It’s also helpful to bring a first aid guide book for pets.

#5. Always keep your dog hydrated!

This is the biggest tip we have, especially when you are outdoors and performing more physical activity then what is typical for your dog! Make sure your dog has plenty of fresh, clean water when you are out on the trails and when you are relaxing at the campsite. It’s helpful to take a dog water bottle or a collapsible bowl with you so you can be sure they are getting enough water. You’ll also want to be careful that your dog doesn’t drink any standing water where bacteria is likely to grow.

We hope you enjoyed these expert tips from Dog is Good! Don’t forget to share your photos with us on social media of your camping adventures with Dog. Here’s to making lasting memories with Dog!